Seeing the world with different eyes – International Youth Exchangen
- For young people (pupils, trainees, students, working people, non-working people – in short: all) aged 13 to 27
- get to know other countries
- intensive encounter with other (young) people from other regions of the world
- Exchange about God and the world
- Common theme
- Free time together
- Getting to know life and everyday life in the partner country
- 1 – 2 weeks abroad or with foreign guests in Northern Hesse
With means such as dance & theatre, own film and radio productions and other media (internet, photo…), circus, art & painting, sports and adventure education (riding, canoeing, climbing, trekking, orientation games…), conversations, visits and sightseeing, the topics chosen by the participants are taken up and deepened and finally a joint product is created: plays, graffiti, radio shows, video films, Internet sites, music CDs, etc.
International youth projects also include informative sightseeing in foreign countries, strolling together through shopping areas, relaxing sunbathing and swimming, getting to know new sports or leisure activities, own discovery tours at the location of the partner group and the experience of wondrous communicative misunderstandings.
The projects are usually organised in cooperation with various North Hessian sponsors as well as one or more partner organisations from other European countries. Currently, the Jugendbildungswerk works with partner groups from Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland, Romania and Spain.
The Municipal Youth Education Agency of the City of Kassel organises 3 – 4 international projects in Kassel or one of our European partner countries.
You can find more information about the current projects on this website under „News“.
Information about international youth meetings of the Jugendbildungswerk Kassel also on:
www.junginkassel.de > for young people > International Youth Encounters
Austauschprojekte des KJBW Kassel 2020>>>
Active Youth Challenge – Larissa (Griechenland 2019) >>>
DOCUMENTAthens 2017 – ein Erfahrungsbericht >>>
Die Magie der Integration – Zirkus Vielfalt, 22.03.-02.04.2018 in Spanien >>>
Escape & Migration (Internationales Tanz- und Theaterprojekt 2018 in Kassel) >>>
Rundfunksendung zu Projekt in Griechenland am 11.Januar 2018 beim Freien Radio Kassel >>>
Sport- & Medienprojekt 2019: Jugend in Bewegung, Langeoog und Kassel >>>
Rundfunksendung zum Projekt ‚Future 4.0 – Quo vadis, Europe?‘ >>>
Active Youth Participation, Kassel 2018 >>>